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  • This database contains botanical records either relating to material present in one of the Naturalis collections, or to material that has been or is being used in research projects. The records usually relate to herbarium specimens, but it also contains data on silica-gel samples, wood samples, spirit collections, carpological collections, etc.; rarely to observations only. The Naturalis collections have their strong points in The Netherlands and surrounding countries, Southeast Asia and New Guinea, West- and Central-Africa, Ethiopia and the Guyanas.

  • Subset of the Pléiades image that covers the experimental station Paracou in French Guiana.

  • The site Quartzites is composed of two 3km-transects (20m wide). 2638 trees with dbh>=20cm have been recorded by Office national des forêts (ONF). No fauna inventories available. 276 under-storey plants have been recorded on 17 25m²-plots by Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD). Soils have been described using 13 samples (1.20m depth max.) and two soil pits (1.50m depth). Laboratory analyses are available for one profile and for the two soil pits

  • Guyadiv is a network of permanent forest plots installed in French Guiana. The site of Guyadiv in Counami is composed of 19 1200sq.m-plots. A complete inventory has been made on these plots, during 3 inventory sessions in 2000, 2001 and 2002. 1743 trees have been inventoried, with 92,2% to 100% of trees identified to species level. We only have the point coordinates and not the precise demarcation of the sample plots. In order to calculate the bounding box for these plots, we have expanded the point location 500 meters in each direction.